Music like you remember it
The Bottom Dock features:
The CD Copier
The Memory Player 64’s CD Copier is the stuff of legend. Known for employing the most advanced rereading algorithm to date, RUR (Read Until Right), it deeply retrieves data that would otherwise be lost and recreated artificially -- with error correction.
This is commonly misunderstood by audio engineers, but if you think ECC is the same as reading the original bits, just read about jitter in advanced coding theory (Reed-Solomon, Hamming, etc.), and why ECC needs to be avoided whenever possible!
All metadata is retrieved and customizable by The Memory Player 64. The CD Copier checks eleven (11) CDDB sources simultaneously, to locate and verify the correctness of the information instantly!
The Memory Player 64's Home Screen
The appearance of your screen may vary according to the optional features you choose to include in your unit (type of sound card, size of music archives, etc.)
The Memory Player 64 Features
included in The Digital Transport as well as The Digital/Analog Player
Computer Audio Solutions
Now, with The Virtual Battery, The Clock Mapper, DeFractionalized Memory, IDEAS, and The DAC Power Supply, owners of The Memory Player as well as all computer audio listeners can have a fully upgradable, dedicated music listening source designed to please the most serious audiophiles.
See how each of The Memory Player's Computer Audio Solutions can completely change what you thought you could hear from a computer audio system!
For 2023 Features & Prices, see 2023 Solutions
Basic features (Copier, JRiver, Playable Library, Memory and Volume) appear on the Bottom Dock on your screen.

JRiver Media Center 21
We use JRiver Media Center as our standard player. JRiver is a masterpiece of metadata retrieval as well as hosting many invaluable features like room correction, multiple crossover outputs, subwoofer outputs, equalization, time delay and much more.
See JRiver’s website for more details.
The Playable Library
The Playable Library is a specially structured form of SSD that can be made in any size so as to have both large amounts of storage and high fidelity. Music on a Playable Library will not suffer sonic degradation that large, mechanical hard drives typically suffer.
The Memory is known as Defractionalized Memory*, a specially structured form of SSD in the SLC format. This enjoys the patented Defractionalization structure which forces the data to be written in original order as opposed to random order.
Random population of bits makes memory perform with higher speed, but increases jitter substantially. Population speed is unimportant in audio, but jitter reduction is an imperative.
Defractionalized Memory reduces jitter by a factor of 16 by simply placing the music files on it, and playing the files from there. This is one of the single greatest improvements one can make in any computer audio or music server system.
*DeFractionalized Memory is also available under our Computer Audio Solutions as an individually licensed upgrade for any music player.
This volume control is ‘floated’ to an incredible 64 bit depth to cancel losses that digital volume controls normally suffer. There is no loss when using this floated volume control.
The Top Dock features:
All Drives
This icon opens a page to reveal every drive in the system for easy access.
Internet Explorer
On The Memory Player, Microsoft's famous web browser is used for internet access to metadata (which is automatic), streaming audio,internet radio, and high resolution audio downloads.
Burn Memory
This is a special form of Defractionalized Memory which arranges the music data in an order that manifests substantially lower jitter when burned to a CD. Cds made from music placed on Burn Memory always sound better. Reviewers from The Stereo Times and Positive Feedback have written about this many times and they make CDs for trade shows to listen at exhibits with this memory. If you burn CDs, you need Burn Memory.
Blu Ray Drive
Provides access to the content on a CD or DVD in the ROM. Not normally necessary, but some DVDs were used as storage for high resolution audio. This is not done much anymore. but access is provided for legacy support.
These are very large hard drives that are used for music storage or protective backup of a music collection. The number of Archives depends upon the size of your music library.
The Side Dock features:
Sound cards (appearing above as Lynx mixer types)
These two icons link you to the Lynx Mixer for the Lynx AES, Lynx Two, Lynx 22, Lynx E22 and the Lynx E44.
The Lynx Mixer gives you total access to all controls of volume, balance, digital recording, external clocks and more.
Detailed instructions are available at Lynx’s website.
Windows Update
These updates are provided automatically in the background. Security and antivirus updates are automatic. In addition, this may be used manually to update drivers or software installed post-production if required.
Team Viewer
Team Viewer is a simple and fast remote desktop program to enable one to use tablet PCs like the iPad as your remote control and viewer.
The Resampler
The Resampler in The Memory Player can convert any music file from one type to another, from one sample rate to another or from one bit depth to another in minutes.
Typical use is conversion of entire libraries to a better sounding file type or format. For example, ALL lossless compression is highly jittered. The Resampler can convert, say, FLAC to W64, and dramatically improve its fidelity.
The High Resolution Digital Recorder
The High Resolution Digital Recorder found on The Memory Player 64 is a simple, extremely high resolution digital recorder for personal use or for recording live events, whether streaming or FM broadcasts.
Its fidelity is nothing short of revelatory, as its recordings are superior to before, now being integrated with The Virtual Battery and The Clock Mapper. Live recordings or the digitization of vinyl can be done as high as 32/192.
The DVD Audio Extractor
The DVD Audio Extractor extracts the audio content off of a DVD video. It is useful for music from concert videos or musical soundtracks. The output is uncompressed WAV files which may be converted to W64 using The Upsampler.