Music like you remember it
IDEAS Jitter Reducing Software
After a single use of IDEAS*, your music is transformed. IDEAS removes zeroes between original audio codes -- very common in music stored or played on SSDs or hard drives -- therefore removing the time gaps which manifest as jitter.
The release of subtle and increased ambient information, as well as a dramatic shift toward an 'analog' sound, is heard immediately. All music becomes more lifelike and natural.

Normally not visible while you choose and play music, IDEAS is shown at work on The Memory Player 64.

IDEAS and IDEAS 2 are included in all versions of The Memory Player 64.
*IDEAS is the acronym for impulse discharge of events in atemporal space.
IDEAS Jitter Reducing Software runs automatically and continuously in the background, reducing jitter in the audio files as they are played.
IDEAS (as IDEAS 2) will even reduce jitter in and caused by the operating system (a major source of audio jitter in computer audio systems).
IDEAS can clean jitter with such power and level of granularity that audio jitter can drop to an astounding femtosecond level -- the lowest audio jitter in the industry.
IDEAS is now available for all computer audio systems and music servers.
Perhaps no single digital audio improvement will yield a greater improvement in your sound than adding IDEAS.
IDEAS is user-installable software, and can be downloaded online or purchased on a CD. IDEAS works in any computer-based audio player or server, Mac or Windows.
Now IDEAS 2 can be used to eliminate the random population of music data as it affects the computer as a whole.
Time Gaps = Jitter

All music data (after IDEAS)

Once every minute, IDEAS appears in the lower left corner of your screen to let you know it's working.
IDEAS 2 can do for your OS what IDEAS has been doing for the music files themselves.
DeFractionalized Memory, IDEAS and IDEAS II are all interdependent. Although all of them work to reduce jitter, their efficacy is degraded if any one of them is not used. Digital systems are complex and have many areas of vulnerability to timing errors, so no one solution addresses all.
What I noticed right off was improved bass, especially in the mid bass. There was better concussive impact, better bloom and a more robust, powerful feeling to the lower frequencies.. Overall, there was a better sense of dynamic range. Some of the songs I know very well had a greater sense of realism...some songs had an almost holographic quality about them. This really heightened the sense of realism and gave the impression of a live performance. -- PF , New York, NY
The raves are in for IDEAS 2!
When I played it through my Gryphon Mikado, the background was black silence, and the bass was as if he were playing a Bosendorfer Imperial Grand, such was the difference.
The treble also was grain-free, and so detailed it was as if a brand new remastered recording were being used. This has now made me rethink my CD library that I shall have to buy a few hundred blanks and do some remastering of my favourite concerts. Thanks ever so much for doing this for me, and I just wish my ears were 30 years younger now.
Super work. – JC, Ayrshire, UK
I just wanted to let you know that this IDEAS 2 is still the hot ticket. The added air around the music (instruments, singers) so enhances the layering and at the same time can cause a little starkness in severe multi-track recordings...but live recorded concert music is so much more you-are-there-like. The audience background noises and shouting is so cool. The bass has a bit more punch and tightness...as in the kick drum which stands out more pronounced. -- LE, Bridgewater, CT
Music which is produced through IDEAS 2 is more vivid, transparent, clear. All details are disclosed from bass, mid-bass, mid-hi to hi frequency...close to live music. -- AL, Thailand